Laboratories of interdisciplinary creations
Culture and training
Two web scenes, cultural and artistic, are developed by our structure: an international digital scene dedicated to Animated Dance - offering creations combining dances and digital technologies -and, in partnership with Jazzalam, a web scene dedicated to local Reunion and French jazz culture.
Our research center offers a training course specific to Animated Dance.
In partnership with The Musical Academy in Saint-Denis, our structure also offers a musical training offer and regularly organizes, in addition, courses, workshops and master classes. We carry artistic and educational intervention projects within schools in partnership with the Rectorate of La Réunion.
Exhibition and publication
Weeditions of the catalogs of the exhibitions designed (Micromega, FIDA) and offer member and associate artists the opportunity to publish their research (artists, books, specific works).
digital arts
Hangars Numériques supports the emergence and visibility of contemporary digital creations in Reunion and the Indian Ocean, in conjunction with HacNum, the national network of hybrid arts and digital cultures.
Created in 2014, Hangars Numériques brings together different skills inherent in the field of interdisciplinary digital creation. Designed as a laboratory where the fields of dance, music and visual arts interact, the digital tool acts in these approaches as a linker fundamental to the creations designed.
The structure is made up of two artistic poles: image and music, articulated around dance.
An animated dance research center
With the establishment of a genre festival, a unique platform for study and research, workshops for young audiences and trans-disciplinary residences for productions and co-productions, Hangars Numériques is developing a center unique animated dance research.
Advisory support and accompaniment
Our structure supports external artistic and cultural projects by offering digital and artistic expertise services.We are also developing a solidarity component, geared towards digital inclusion for the local population.
Gems of Animated Dances 2020
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