Image : Yoon Chaung Han - Plastic Landscape - a reversible world - 2022 - AI-generated 3D animated video design & multi-channel video installation
Un événement partenaire d'ISEA2023, 28ème Symposium International de la Création Numérique.
An AI-generated 3D animated video design
“Plastic Landscape” is an AI-generated 3D animated video design that shows the apocalyptic and surreal world surrounded by artificial plastic mixtures and objects in the ocean, urban city, Antarctica, and forest.
Four different scenes are animated, with the camera panning slowly from left to right. Viewers can observe how the plastics are decomposed at a slower speed by looking at particle animations. Sound is created by the data of the decomposition of plastics. Different types of plastics and speed of decomposition determine the frequency, amplitude, and parameters of audio synthesis. This scene animation is inspired by Ilwalobongbyeong (a folding screen) behind the king’s throne of Joseon Dynasty. In the traditional landscape, in the folding screen, the sun and moon represent King and Queen.
The five peaks represent five famous mountains in Korea. Pine trees represent faithful officials, and the flowing water represents the people of Joseon. The beauty of original nature and the clean environment was documented in the traditional folding screen, which looks completely different from the current urban area and nature views. This animation depicts the twist of the landscape. Surreal objects/buildings in this animation made out of plastic look beautiful and mesmerizing at first glance. However, the viewers can notice that they are the decayed objects and destroyed nature impacted by human beings. This new multi-sensory artwork addresses the awareness of plastic pollution through the apocalyptic lens.
Through two years of extensive research collaboration with computer science engineers in the department of electrical engineering at Yonsei University in South Korea, an art-engineering collaborative project has been developed, especially focusing on creating new images by combining everyday plastic objects and our natural environment. This project explores neural style transfer and reversible style transfer using machine-learning models trained for artistic data visualization, giving public awareness about plastic pollution issues. It is specially designed for visualizing the plastic world. The application uses data and information from plastic products as input for style transfer and creates a visualization of artificially created landscapes on projection. The viewers can observe details of deconstructed plastic objects and have an opportunity to think about the future of our world surrounded by plastic pollution. The plastic object images in this 3D animation were created by a modified Neural Style Transfer (NST) model based on a combination of special losses and templates. Depending on the types of plastics, the time of decomposition varies. The different speed of particle animation represents the different speed of decomposition.
This work is documentation about one of the environmental issues and explorations of new ways of visualizing data with materialities. The project is a part of the data art series that tghe artist have been developing since 2017. It anticipates fundamental changes and actions from the audience. In this application, specifically, we used plastic issues to give awareness to the public about its impact on nature and our environment with detailed information about the decomposition of plastic products. This artwork is a platform where we can hear voices and possible future scenarios in our nature and environment and voices of protest and expressions of living creatures in a post-truth society. This research-driven project will apply to the data art for public awareness about environmental issues and is useful for investigating interesting results of the inverse style transfer and comparing the original and recovered images.
Concept Design, Visual Development, User Experience Design : Yoon Chung Han
3D Animation and 3D object design : Hung-Hsuan Tsai
Music and Sound : Soo Jung Kwak
Machine Learning-based image creation Prof. Sung Lyun Kim, Myeong Hun Seong, Changmin Lee
This artwork is a part of the Digital Silence project in collaboration with Ulsan Art Museum and the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in Yonsei University.
이 작품은 디지털 사일런스의 프로젝트의 일환이자 울산 미술관의 지원으로 제작되었고 연세대학교 전기전자공학부와의 협업으로 만들어진 작품입니다.
ISEA 2023 - Southern Winter exhibitions
DU 01.06 AU 15.06.2023
9h > 12h
Hangars Numériques - Digital arts overseas
L'Academie - 66, bvd Lancastel
97400 Saint-Denis de La Réunion
Yoon Chung Han is an interactive media artist, award-winning interaction designer, researcher and educator. Over the past ten years, she has created a wide range of interactive 2D/3D audiovisual art installations including biologic art, data visualization and sonification, generative art, and audiovisual interface design. Her recent research focus was on multimodal interactions using body data, in particular on creating a personalized experience in media arts using biometric data visualization and sonification.
Her works have been presented in many international exhibitions, conferences and academic journals such as ACM SIGGRAPH Art gallery, Japan Media Arts Festival, London Science Museum, Media City Seoul, ZKM, NIME, ISEA, ACM Multimedia, ACM SIGCHI, IEEE Vis, and Leonardo Journal. She earned her bachelor and the first Master degree at the Seoul National University, and her second Master degree at Design | Media Arts, University of California, Los Angeles. She worked at Samsung Electronics in South Korea as a graphic designer and was a visiting researcher/data visualization specialist at SENSEable City Lab, MIT in Cambridge, MA. She holds Ph.D. in Media Arts and Technology at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She is currently an associate professor in the department of design in the San Jose State University.
The reversible world
Yoon Chung HAN